
Diabetes and Risk Factors

What is the nature of association between diabetes and risk factors? The condition of diabetes is characterized by the inability of the body either to make or to use insulin-a hormone having the ability to facilitate absorption of glucose in the body. When the production of insulin is stopped or obstructed the blood sugar level increases leading to diabetic condition. Prolonged and uncontrolled diabetes may cause damages to kidneys, heart, nerves, eyes and other vital organs of the body.  According to an estimate only about one third of the people with diabetes are aware about this situation.

Various risk factors are associated with different types of diabetes as follows:

The three major types of diabetes, namely type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes share the same basic characteristics.

Risk factors for Type 1 Diabetes

  • Genetics and family history. The diabetes type 1 in children is associated with genetic and family history.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.  The ability to produce insulin is obstructed due to injury or disease of the pancreas which causes type 1 diabetes..
  • Infection or illness. Some infections and diseases can damage the pancreas which leads to cause type 1 diabetes.

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes

  • Overweight or obesity. Overweight or obesity is significantly associated with type 2 diabetes.
  • Impaired glucose tolerance or prediabetes. Mild diabetes showing the way for developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Ethnic background. Diabetes occurs more often in some Ethnic groups like Hispanic/Latino Americans, Asian-Americans,etc.
  • High blood pressure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for diabetes.
  • History of gestational diabetes. Diabetes which is developed during pregnancy may lead to type 2 diabetes.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Leading an inactive or idle life may cause type 2 diabetes.
  • Family history. In case of having a family history of diabetes the children are vulnerable to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Age. People over age 45 are put on increasing risk to type 2 diabetes although people with any age group may develop diabetes.

Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes which is developed during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes and is caused  by hormones that are produced  during pregnancy. High blood sugar level in mother may lead to high blood sugar level of the growing baby in mother’s womb. The risk factors for this type of diabetes include-

  • Obesity or being overweight. This condition puts women at risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Previous history. A history of previous gestational diabetes increases the risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Family history. A family history of gestational diabetes increases the risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Age. The risk of gestational diabetes increases with the age of the women having pregnancy.

The various risk factors of diabetes  as outlined and discussed above indicate that diabetes is such a disease which can be developed in any age and any time and can become a serious threat to human health including damages to kidneys, heart, nerves, eyes and other vital organs of the body.. This suggests that adequate steps should be taken as well as physicians should be consulted in right time in order to manage the diabetes and diabetic situation properly.

Significance of physical fitness for stabilizing health and peace of mind

What is physical fitness?

Physical fitness is a state of body and mind which allows individual to feel bodily secured and mentally happy. Physical fitness aids in  preventing  and reducing risks of many diseases and improving physical and mental health. Physical fitness promotes and stabilizes smooth functioning of heart, lungs, muscles and other vital organs of human body.

Significance of physical fitness

The significance of physical fitness is directed towards a better quality of life, improved sleep, reduced stress and depression, and stronger socialization activities. The physical fitness also results in better feeling and comfort, stronger muscles and bones, reduction of weight.

Fitness vis-à-vis physical activity can reduce heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, depression, breast and colon cancer, osteoporosis.

It is suggested to remain active always. To keep and maintain high level of body functions. As a result of regular physical exercise the lungs and heart will function normally and efficiently leading to burning of excess calorie and maintaining desired body weight.  The muscle and bone functions are also strengthened and stabilized as a result of regular physical exercise.

See the benefit grid of physical fitness to learn more:

What physical activities are required?

Physical fitness exercise may include any type of moderate activity like walking, swimming, cycling, or any type of organized sports. These physical activities must be suitable and compatible with individual lifestyle and interests.
Experts have suggested beginning physical exercise with a short warming up session of about 5-10 minutes in order to allow normal blood flow and normal activity of body. 20-30 minutes active physical exercise should be  ideal after the warming up session flowed by another 5-10 minutes of rest.

Who needs fitness?

Experts suggest that physical exercise should be an integral part of any individual’s life. It is a lifelong event and is recommended for everyone virtually. Adulthood is considered to be the best and golden time for building physical fitness and continuing throughout the life overtime. Better timing and selecting of type of exercise is very important to get maximum benefit out of physical exercise.


The above discussions indicates about various aspects especially the impact of physical fitness on human body and mind. This suggests that everyone should plan and do regular and suitable physical exercise to keep body and mind fit to sustain health fitness , healthy life and mental peace all along.

Attack Diabetic Risk with Sour Curd?

Attack diabetic risk with sour curd. It is very important that people who suffer from diabetes should select their foods very carefully. The diabetic patients need to follow a systematic diabetic diet plan to manage the problem as well as reduce the risk and complications overtime.

The diabetic risk appears to be reduced by about 25% when milk or dairy products are eaten daily. Milk is important for diabetic patients. Milk and diabetes are related. But the condition is that the milk or dairy products so eaten should be free from fat or fatty substance. Daily food habit with low-fat cheese or curd has been found to impact positively on diabetic risk. Research findings suggest that the diabetic risk is reduced by at least 24% for those who take at least 125 grams of fat-less curd, as compared to others. Curd and diabetes are closely related in this respect. The specific vitamin content of milk keeps the metabolic organs active and functional; vitamin K and vitamin D contents of milk keep the metabolic functions stable and running. Consequently, the Researchers suggest eating some fat-less curd or cheese daily after regular food or with breakfast.

Nevertheless the people who suffer from diabetes need to be in touch with concerned physicians on regular basis in order to stay stable and healthy overtime.

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