Milk is the King of Foods?
Milk is the king of foods-there should not be any hesitation about this proposition. The significant level of nutritional content of milk has made milk the king of foods. Milk is considered as the best ingredient for preserving the human health. The lactose content of milk aids in body formation and growth as well as intellectual development. Cow milk contains amino acid, various types of vitamins, and minerals like chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, iodine and selenium, etc. The composition of milk include water 86.5%, lactose 4.8%, fat 4.5%, protein 3.5%, and vitamins and minerals 0.7%.Cow milk is the source of nutrition and energy. Research findings confirmed effectiveness of milk for the prevention of cancer and heart diseases.
The annual per capita intake of milk is 242 Kg. in U.K., 241 Kg. in Australia, 254 Kg. in USA, 247 Kg. in Germany, 261 Kg. in France, 296 Kg. in Denmark, and 356 Kg. in Sweden. These figures appear to be much lower in developing countries including only 26 kg. in some countries. Research findings also indicate that the probability of being attacked with diseases is less in case of those who take 1.5 or 2 glasses of milk daily as compared to those who take 2 glasses of milk a week.
It appears that the incidence of various diseases increase due to absence of immune capacity of body –for want of milk or adequate quantity of milk. The formation and development of child brain vis-à-vis the development of child IQ is badly affected due to want of milk. The formation and development of bony structures is also badly affected for want of milk. According to a health prescription, the per capita daily requirement of milk is 250 ml.
The above analysis suggests that milk is a very essential food item to promote and stabilize human health. Milk should constitute an integral part of daily food basket. Milk is the king of foods.
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