Excess Body Weight triggers multiple health hazards
Obesity or excess body weight appears to be a threat to human health for various reasons. Excess body weight means accumulation of excess fat in the body resulting in heart diseases, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.
A short account of excess body weight and health risks or various health hazards associated with excess body weight is presented below:
Excess body weight or obesity is the main cause for osteoarthritis. This excess body weight cause problems in knee, wrist or backbone. Sometimes the bones are detached and put pressure on nerves. This may need surgical operation also. Besides, obesity or excess body weight may cause the problem like carpal tunnel syndrome due to gout, increase in blood uric acid level, or pressure on nerves.
The elasticity of abdominal muscle becomes weak as a result of obesity and increase the risk of hernia. This risk may be extended also to stitching after any surgery.
The veins in the legs get swelled and become blue (varicose vein) due to excess body weight.
The risk to develop gall stones is higher in case of people with excess body weight. The risk is more in case of women beyond 40 years of age with obesity. Besides, the cause of food coming up through esophagus (reflux) is also due to excess body weight. Accumulation of fat in kidney or fatty liver is a common problem of people with excess body weight. Researches also indicate that excess body weight is also responsible for cancer of intestine.
The people with excess body weight are more vulnerable to diabetes as compared to others. Moreover, the manifestation of complications associated with diabetes appears to be more in case of people with obesity.
The people with excess body weight have more nose-noise at night. The main cause of respiratory obstruction (sleep apnea) is obesity. Besides, the people with excess body weight get tired with little labor.
The excess body weight is the cause for developing cyst in the uterus as well as for loss of fertility in women. Besides obesity appears to be associated with breast cancer as well as cancer of ovary.
Various skin related problems like transformation of skin color to black, infection in skin folders (Candida infection) and deposit of water in lymph nodes are the problems of people with excess body weight.
It has also been proved that the gaining of overweight or excess body weight cum obesity is also associated with various psychological problems.
Under the above backdrop Researchers and Scientists around the globe are advocating more intensely to maintain appropriate body weight in order to manage the obesity and health risks and reduce the risks of excess body weight and intensity of different fatal diseases associated with excess body weight or gaining overweight.
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