
Our Services

The Grameen Shikkha Samity (GSS) is a not-for profit organization for non-formal Education, Training and Research for community development. The principal service areas of Grameen Shikkha Samity include the following:

On-line Education and Training

On-line Education and Training

Articles, blogs, posts and the like as published in this website to increase awareness and motivation of targeted beneficiaries..

. Tutorial lessons on soft skills and hard skills imparted on line to improve the knowledge and capacity of the targeted beneficiaries.

In-house education and Training

In-house education and Training

Informal Education and Soft skills provided to targeted beneficiaries.

Hard skills and Professional Training provided to intended beneficiaries as given in-house to increase knowledge ,skills and capacity of targeted beneficiaries.

Education support

Education support

Stipends, awards and scholarships services provided to poor and meritorious students.

Educational materials and equipments support provided to poor students.

Living support services provided to the families of poor students.

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Topics of Good Interests

Stay updated with the topics of good interests by reading our posts and blogs.

How to prepare for a successful job interview?

A. Introduction

Preparing for job interview is an important factor for the potential job seekers.  Adequate preparation for interview adds extra confidence building thrust to job seekers leading to better performance in job interview.

B. Tasks Before Interview

Human Resources Specialists suggest that potential job seekers are likely to consider a few things as follows in preparation for job interview:

  • Gather Information about the Organisation/Company
  • Do On-line search of website of the Company/Organisation
  • Get details about the Job Description
  • Think about probable questions from the interviewer
  • Think about probable questions to ask interviewer
  • Remember and organise some achievements to tell to interviewers
  • Keep ready personal references
  • Have a tension free and good sleep

C. Tasks On the day of interview

  • Use formal working dress.
  • Be in time at interview place
  • Be courteous and gentle to interviewers
  • Maintain honesty in speaking
  • Make eye contact
  • Listen to the interviewers
  • Be articulate and short in answering questions.
  • Avoid talking too much
  • Control any bad habits
  • Ask insightful questions
  • Do not appear desparate
  • Avoid contradictions

D. Tasks After the interview

Do not forget to Shake hands with the interviewer firmly.

Take care to send a thank-you letter to the company/organisation

Remember tofollow up with the company/organisation in right time.E. General

E. General

Preparing for interview adequately can bring expected results for the job seekers. This  suggests that the job seekers should take much care and attention to prepare himself keeping in view the things to be done “Before interview”; “On the day of interview”; and “After the interview”.for any interview




SEO Mistakes poses a great threat to the effective Search Engine Optimization process. On page optimization and off page optimization  are  sin qua non for  websites in order to bring them in the favorable search results especially in the top pages of search results. Justifiably,  site owners used to put very hard efforts  to  optimize their sites to reap desired benefit out of SEO.  Nevertheless, SEO mistakes frustrate all these attempts significantly.


SEO  Mistakes


The Experiences and the views of SEO Experts have identified the following SEO mistakes on way to successful implementation of effective Search Engine Optimization:


Title Tags and Meta Descriptions are not formulated properly

Title Tags and Meta descriptions appear to be  vital parts of any content or post in a website in case of SEO. Search Engines use these areas prominently  in producing search results. So Title Tags and Meta descriptions needs to be formulated appropriately by following proper SEO guidelines ( using of keywords, header tags, permalinks, etc.


Keeping Broken links

Keeping broken links is a major mistake in case of SEO and  not acceptable  by any way. Visitors feel dissatisfied absolutely with broken links in the contents and pages. Moreover, Search Engines take this as a serious lapse on the part of a website and downgrade the concerned website accordingly.


Keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing appears to be a very unwanted practice in SEO formulation. Appropriate keyword density should be maintained in the website contents by  using available guidelines and tools.


Inappropriate Keywords

Inappropriate keywords tend to frustrate the effective SEO practices. Relevant and suitable keywords should be identified and formulated by using available keyword research tools.


Poor quality content

Poor quality contents appear to burdens for the websites and Search Engines discredit this kind of contents very strongly. Good quality and user friendly contents can only win the race in the search results.


Duplicate content

Duplicate contents are also heavily under rated and under estimated  by the Search Engines. That means this should be avoided while putting contents in the website.


Copy made content

Copied content from any source having a Copy Right falls under plagiarism. Search Engines take this very seriously. Effective SEO optimization process must avoid this kind of activities.


Not Using image Tags/Alt Tags

This is a mistake done by many websites while optimizing for Search Engines. Search Engines prefer to putting  suitable Alt Tags for all images used in the websites so that they can read it through this Alt Tags.


Lack of importance to create back links

Creating back links is the prime task of off page optimization. Google puts much emphases on creating back links. Page Rank and Alexa Rank of a particular website depend largely on the back links created for this website. Not only  importance but also priority should be given to creating back links.


Ignoring Social media

Different Social Media like facebook, twitter, linkedin, Google+ ,etc., can play great roles in mobilizing visitors for a particular website. Justifiably, concerned websites should establish effective links with these popular social media sites through off page optimization process.


Lack of  internal links

Insufficient or lack of internal links in websites can downgrade their quality and status significantly in the eyes of Search Engines. On page optimization should take this point carefully in order to optimize the site effectively by using relevant and suitable anchor texts accordingly.


Black hat SEO for quick results

Black hat SEO for quick results is a major mistake in case of optimization because this kind of SEO fails to follow the appropriate guidelines as prescribed by the Search Engine. This back hat SEO must be avoided in order to safeguard  websites from falling into disgrace of Search Engines.


Lack of monitoring by Analytics

Lack of monitoring by Analytics appears to be  a major mistake in case of SEO. Effective Search Engine Optimization is expected to produce good results relating to improved Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank overtime. Regular monitoring of websites are necessary in order to see the intended  progress  in terms of different performance indicators like page views, unique visitors, bounce rate and the like. This regular monitoring helps to identify the problems, strengths and weaknesses also for taking corrective actions accordingly. But lack of monitoring by appropriate tool (Google Analytics) prevents websites from doing this monitoring job.



SEO is a key factor in terms of On Page Optimization as well as Off Page Optimization. Search Engines give high priority to effective SEO process for websites. Nevertheless , various SEO mistakes are able to frustrate this objective significantly. This suggests that all SEO Planning and designing  should be designed and implemented very carefully keeping in view the appropriate guidelines  in order to produce desired results accordingly.

OFF-PAGE OPTIMIZATION -key Features to improve Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank overtime

What is Off Page Optimization

Off-page optimization refers to the  kind of SEO which is implemented outside the website. Impact of SEO on the effectiveness of a website  is very significant. Off-page optimization mainly deals with  building back links through different methods and techniques.

Objective of off page optimization

  Off-page optimization have the following major objectives:

To increase Search Engine ranking that will attract more traffic to the particular website/page.

To increase the Google Page Rank indicating the higher quality of website.

To improve Alexa Rank and generate popularity by attracting more visitors due to the top/strategic position of the website in the search result.

Methods of off page optimization

Link building (back link) is the most standard and popular method of  off page optimization. Effective link building especially “Do follow” link building in high PR sites  is able to produce good results including on line credibility and reputation and promote marketability of website.

Different link building methods and strategies are described below:

Blogging in free bog site

It is a better practice to do link building (back link)  in a blog developed in free blogger sites like and, etc. Back links are included in the posts so made in the blog sites. Many free e-blogger sites are available in the internet and one can take this opportunity to do link building. This kind of link building has been proved very effective.

Blog Comment

Link building can be done through blog comments very easily. Many relevant  blogs sites are  available for doing this kind of blog commenting. Website back links are included along with the comments so made.

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is an important method for creating back links for any website/page. Many popular and high PR Social Book Marking sites like Digg, Delicious, Reddit, Stumble upon are available for this purpose.

Forum Posting

Creating back links in different Forums have been proved very effective in the eyes of Search Engines. This kind of back links can be included in high PR forum sites which are available in the internet. Back links in forum sites can be generated along with the posting of threads, commenting on threads and the signatures.

Articles Submission

Submission of good quality and unique articles to different specific articles submission sites can generate useful back links for the websites. These kind of submission is subject to specific guidelines and procedures of the articles submission sites. Website back links are incorporated within the articles so submitted.

Directory Submission

Many Directory submission sites are available on-line. Websites/page can be submitted to these directories following respective rules and guidelines.

Social Networking

Social networking sites (facebook, twitter, linkedin, Google+, etc) are very important and effective media for link building purposes. A particular website/page can reach thousands of people instantly through these social media sites. Proper registration with these sites are necessary in order to use their services accordingly. The specific website or pages can be shared with the friends and fans through these social media sites. Back links can be included easily in the along with the posts/updates through the inbuilt systems of the media sites also.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is another very important method of creating back links and this kind of back links are highly valued by Search Engines now a days. Many Guest posting sites are available on-line. The articles are posted to these sites following the specific rules and guidelines. Back links are included within the articles.

Photo sharing

Back links can be generated by way of sharing photos/images in photo sharing sites. Different such sites are available onpline.along with the images/photos

Video sharing

Video sharing through different Video sharing sites (Youtube, etc..) is a very popular method of creating back link in now a days. Back links of websites are embedded in the video so shared. Lot of visitors can find it interesting to visit the websites accordingly..


Different “Answering” platforms (Yahoo Answer..) are available on-line. One can participate in questioning and answering  sessions after registering in the sites and following the specific guidelines. Back links can be generated in cases of questions and answers accordingly.

Widget Development

A specific widget can be added to the website (polls..) and asking for opinions or comments. A lot of visitors may like to participate in the campaign and visit the website accordingly.


SEO is the heart of creating back links. An appropriate SEO Planning is a necessary condition for this purpose.  Off page optimization has been proved to be a very potential tool for creating back link and generating traffic to websites overtime. The popular Search Engines particularly Google attach significant value to this kind of back link and tend to enhance the Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank of the particular website accordingly. This  significance of off page optimization  justifies that Off page optimization should be done very effectively by following the appropriate guidelines vis-a-vis Google “Panda” and Google “Penguin”.

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