5 distinct steps to motivate customers to making a choice before buying a new product?
A. Introduction
It is always a difficult task for the marketers to effectively introduce and promote anew product in the market. The consumers are not ready enough to make a sharp decision to buy any new product. Consumers need to pass through different stages in order to get prepared and motivated to make a decision andchoice for buying a new product.
B. Steps to take before adoption
According to the suggestions of the Marketing Specialists , the marketers should take into consideration that the potential consumers passes through five distinct stages before adopting a product fully for their use:
Awareness building
At this stage the consumers get first hand information about a new product but lacks details of it.
Interest building
The consumers are sensitized and stimulated to get in-depth knowledge and information about the new product.
Evaluating the product
At this stage the consumers are prompted to assess and evaluate the possibilities of making a trial buy.
Trial buy
The consumers at this stage, make a trial buy of the new product in order to confirm his assessment and the worth of buying the product as such.
Final adoption
At this stage, the consumers make a final decision to make a choice for buying and using the product on a regular basis, as and when necessary.
C. General
The above discussions clearly indicates that a potential marketer should consider to read the minds of the consumers, follow the attitude and behavior of the consumers vis-à-vis the different stages of the adoption process of a new product in order to be successful inintroducing and promoting a new product to targeted consumers.
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